What should you know about Firebase
Firebase is a powerful platform that you can use to replace the backend system in your project for free or pay base on what you prefer. If you are not able to make a backend system by yourself but your project needs backend service for their operation, Firebase can be the best solution for your project. There is a lot of powerful tools that you can use for your project.
Here list of some Tools for Build:
1. Authentication -> For Authentication Like Register, Login, Forgot Password
2. Realtime Database -> A NoSQL database that you can use for app development, data is synced across all clients in a real-time way and stored in JSON format
3. Cloud Firestore -> A No NoSQL database too but more powerful than Realtime Database
4. Cloud Storage -> For stores collection of files like images, videos, audio also other user-generated content
5. Hosting -> Host the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for your website including the assets like font, icon, and graphic
6. Cloud Functions -> for run your backend code to trigger Firebase feature an HTTPS request
There is still a lot of Firebase tools that you can use, but I will write about them a letter. I think it will be better if we learn one by one material from Firebase Authentication.
But before we use all of the powerful tools of Firebase. Make our first project to the Firebase console.
Here is the step:
- Go to Firebase Console(you have a login to google account first):
2. Then you have to create the project. Click the “Create a project” button and the page will bring you here:
Make your project name based on what you prefer and don’t forget to check the checkbox about Firebase terms and click the “Continue” button.
3. After that click continue again.
4. Then choose your country and click the “Create project” button.
5. It will show the loading and after that click the “continue” button when the loading is done.
6. Congratulations, you already made a project in your Firebase console
In the next post, we will discuss about integrate the project that we have made into our android project.
See you soon.