Ace Your Technical Coding Interview: Tips and Strategies for Success

Abi Farhan
2 min readMar 27, 2023


The most important thing about technical questions is that we understand what the interviewers are looking for when we answer. In general, the interviewers are almost always looking at how you listen to the questions, analyze the questions or the problem, what kind you ask to clarify the questions and how you think about the problem. That is why we must always speak out loud as we think about the real questions or a problem to show them that we are thinking, this is very, very, very important.

How to Answer Technical Questions

  1. Listen Carefully

Make sure we listen for keywords like a sorted array, find the middle number and so forth.

  1. Create some test cases if Needed

For example, if the array is empty what value do we return, if just 2 arrays what value do we return and so forth?

2. Brute-force Solution

Now we have to think about a brute force solution, we have to get these things as soon as possible. because we tell the interviewer that we know that at least there is a naive approach to solving that problem. Once we have that brute force solution, which is not the main solution, at least we are letting the interviewers know that we understand there is a solution for the questions. Maybe not an optimal solution but at least there is one.

3. Optimized our solution

We have to go through a process of refining the solution to make it better

4. Final Walk Through

This is the time we can speak about the runtime, why we choose the options



Abi Farhan

Professional Android Developer, Software Developer. Photography Enthusiast